Here's the complete Pseudocode to check number is even or odd. You can check from two methods whether the number is odd or even. Pseudocode to Check Whether Number is Odd or Even 1st Method: 0. Start 1. Print "Enter Any Number to Check, Even or Odd" 2. Read input of a number 3. If number mod = 0 4. Print "Number is Even" 5. Else 6. Print "Number is Odd" 7. End 2nd Method: 0. Start 1. Print "Enter Any Number to Check, Even or Odd" 2. Read input of a number 3. If number mod = 1 4. Print "Number is Odd" 5. Else 6. Print "Number is Even" 7. End Learn How to check even or odd in C language .
Here's an example, how you can create a mark sheet in C language. First, we'll take the marks of five subjects from the user to generate the mark sheet. These marks will be stored in a variable of the float data type. After that, we'll apply the formula to calculate the percentage and design a template for mark sheet. Marksheet in C Related: C Program for fibonacci serires. Calculator in C using functions (subroutines).
Learn how to find the value of acceleration in C language. How this Program Work? First, we're taking the value of initial velocity, final velocity and time from the user as input. After that, we'll apply condition if time is positive then calculate the acceleration using formula we defined and print the value of acceleration. And if time is negative then terminate the program because time can't be negative. C Program to Calculate Acceleration #include<stdio.h> void main() { //declaration of variable float v, u, t, acc; /* we're taking v variable for initial velocity, u variable for final velocity t variable for time */ //getting the value of initial velocity from user printf("Enter the Value Of Initial Velocity"); scanf("%f",&v); //getting the value of final velocity from user printf("Enter the Value Of final Velocity"); scanf("%f",&u); //getting the value of tim...